Relief and Rehabilitation
First Phase
The 2011 Sindh floods was the highest-ever recorded rainfall between 11 August 2011, and 14 September 2011 in Sindh. Due to the relatively flat land gradient in southern Sindh, rain water inundated large area in Badin. The situation became more serious due to breaches in Left Bank Outfall Drain (LBOD), Phulalai canal and caused loss of life and extensive damage to property, agricultural produce and livestock. Likewise union councils Haji Sawan and Thari taluka Matli were an under developed UCs of District Badin. UCs scattered and contains a population of about 56,000 people. The people mostly depend on livestock and agriculture and the weather has a direct impact on their life and livelihood. Heavy rains of 2010 to 2013 and floods affected a large piece of population in UCs Haji Sawan & Thari. Their crops, livestock and homes were heavily damaged. HAPE Development & Welfare Association embarked on a major relief operation for the affected people of area. This operation was planned in two phases. The first Phase was focused on the supply of clean water, food, Tents and a survey for the second phase being the construction of shelters for the displaced people.
In the first phase Hape provided Tents, safe drinking water Jars, blankets, Mosquito nets and kitchen kits with the support of District Government, IOM, OPP-RTI, Red Cross and FAO.
Second Phase
By Oct 10 2011 to December 2014 as the water receded people settled back in their damaged villages.
HAPE provided roof kits with the support of OPP-RTI. HAPE Provided Support for
shelter i.e roofing components for a room of 14’x15’/house.
Support has also been extended to the areas damaged in the floods of Aug’11. Support has
been planned to be extended to upto 600 houses. People were completed mud walls/pillars
and HAPE provided roof kits in 16 villages in 4 UCs. The roofing components for House were girders, bamboo/wooden battens, reed matting, plastic sheeting
and rope. In most cases women have completed the mud walls/pillars and plaster with men fixing
the roofing components. In all UCs two types roofs have been supported as per the tradition of the areas
1) the slope roof ,needing 1 girder (16’17’) and 1820 bamboos
(20’ each) and
2) the flat roof, needing 2 girders (16’17’) and 1216 bamboos (16’20’).
Some cases houses have been able to retrieve girders or bamboos from the rubble of their
houses, so have voluntarily taken only the needed roofing components. Therefore more
houses have been supported with roofing over a room/house. Effort has been made to
support maximum number of houses. HAPE have organized village committees in each
village for joint survey, selection and management of work.
Hand Pumps given to the Village level.
Repaid Assessment with WFP and IOM
HAPE have conducted quick flood assesment with WFP and IOM in 12 Union Councils of Taluka Matli, District Badin. HAPE covered 960 villages in 20 days with 266 Volunteers.