Movement for Change

Across the Globe, We Are United in Our Dedication with Transparency to Rights


CHANGES IN POLICIES This Policies supersedes all previous and/or memos that may have been issued from time to time on subjects covered in this Policies. Executive Committee reserves the right to interpret, change, suspend, cancel, or dispute with or without notice all or any part of its policies, procedures, and benefits at any time. The organisation will notify all employees of these changes. Changes will be effective on the dates determined by the organisation, and after those dates all superseded policies will be null. No individual supervisor or manager has the authority to change any of the policies at any time. If you are uncertain about any policy or procedure, you are advised to speak with your direct supervisor.


This Policy is designed to acquaint you and provide you with information about working conditions, benefits, and policies affecting your employment.

The information contained in this policy applies to all employees of Hape Development and Welfare Association. Following this policy is considered a condition of continued employment. However, nothing in this policy alters an employees status. The contents of this policy shall not constitute nor be construed as a promise of employment or as a contract between the Company and any of its employees.

You are responsible for reading, understanding, and complying with the provisions of this policy. Our objective is to provide you with a work environment that is constructive to both personal and professional growth.



An employee of Hape Development and Welfare Association is a person who regularly works for Hape Development and Welfare Association on a wage or salary basis. Employees may be regular full-time, regular part-time, and temporary persons, and others employed with the organisation that are subject to the control and direction of Executive Committee in the performance of their duties.

Employees who have completed the [90-day] probationary period and who are regularly scheduled to work [35] or more hours per week. Generally, they are eligible for the organisations benefit package, subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations of each benefit programme.

Employees who have completed the [90-day] probationary period and who are regularly scheduled to work less than [35] hours per week. [Regular part-time employees are eligible for some benefits, subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations of each benefit programme.]

Those individuals whose performance is being evaluated to determine whether further employment in a specific position with the organisation is appropriate or those individuals who are hired as interim replacements to assist in the completion of a specific project or for vacation relief. Employment beyond any initially stated period does not in any way imply a change in employment status. Temporary employees retain that status until they are notified of a change. They are not eligible for any of the organisations benefit programmes.


In order to provide equal employment and advancement opportunities to all individuals, employment decisions at Executive Committee will be based on merit, qualifications, and abilities. Executive Committee does not discriminate in employment opportunities or practices because of race, colour, religion, sex, national origin, age or disability.

Office Bearer will make reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with known disabilities unless doing so would result in an undue hardship. This policy governs all aspects of employment, including selection, job assignment, compensation, discipline, termination, and access to benefits and training.

Employees with questions or concerns about discrimination in the workplace are encouraged to bring these issues to the attention of their supervisor. Employees can raise concerns and make reports without fear of reprisal. Anyone found to be engaging in unlawful discrimination will be subject to disciplinary action, including termination of employment.


The protection of confidential information is vital to the interests of Hape Development and Welfare Association. Such confidential information includes, but is not limited to, the following examples:

Financial information,
Pending projects and proposals,
Personnel/Payroll records, and
Conversations between any persons associated with the organisations.

Employees who improperly use or disclose secrets or confidential information will be subject to disciplinary action, including termination of employment and legal action, even if they do not actually benefit from the disclosed information.


Orientation is a formal welcoming process that is designed to make the new employee feel comfortable, informed about the organisation, and prepared for his position. New employee orientation is conducted by a Human Resources representative, and includes an overview of Hape Development and Welfare Association history, an explanation of its core values, vision, and mission; and the organisations goals and objectives. In addition, the new employee will be given an overview of benefits, and will complete any necessary paperwork.

Employees are presented with all procedures needed within the workplace. The new employees supervisor then introduces the new hire to staff throughout the organisation, reviews his job description and scope of position, explains the organisations evaluation procedures, and helps the new employee get started on specific functions.


The probationary period for regular full-time and regular part-time employees lasts up to [90 days] from date of hire. During this time, employees have the opportunity to evaluate the organisation as a place to work and management has its first opportunity to evaluate the employee. During this introductory period, both the employee and the organisation have the right to terminate employment without advance notice.

Upon satisfactory completion of the probationary period, a [90-day] review will be given and benefits will begin as appropriate. All employees, regardless of classification or length of service, are expected to meet and maintain organisations standards for job performance and behaviour.


Hape Development and Welfare Association office is open for business from [9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Day of Week to Day of Week], except for Holidays.


Employees are allowed [45] minutes lunch break. Lunch breaks generally are taken between the hours of [11 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.] on a staggered schedule so that your absence does not create a problem for co-workers or clients.


The most important element of the recruitment process is to ensure transparency and fairness without any bias, favoritism and gender discrimination in the hiring process. This can only be ensured when there exists clearly laid down criteria and procedures for recruitment of staff and consultants. Some of the standard practices for recruitment include proper hiring mechanisms through advertising, indiscriminate head hunting and using the database of credible recruitment agencies (this is in vogue in all developed countries). Once applications are received short listing through independent sources or cross checking through reference checks or under an already laid down eligibility performa followed by tests and interviews by a panel, are some of the effective ways of recruitment. In short, any such policy that ensures transparency and a non-partisan approach can be termed as a fair recruitment policy.


Recruitment authorization announcing all vacancies is to be posted in each department of Hape Development and Welfare Association for a period of five working days before outside recruitment begins. Any employee who has not applied by the end of five working days will no longer receive special consideration afforded to internal applicants.
During that five-day period preference shall be given to qualified regular and limited tenure employees who apply for vacant positions.
The following policy applies in connection with Hape Development and Welfare Association employees who are applicants:
Existing employees who have increased their skill and job potential and who qualify shall be encouraged.

Inter departmental recruitment of qualified employees shall be encouraged.

No employee shall be intimidated or discouraged from applying for a vacant position.

The employees who apply for vacant positions are not required to notify their supervisors. However, if such an employee should become a finalist for the position [upon the recommendation of the appropriate department head], his/her supervisor will be notified of the application process for, among other things, a recommendation.

Education, past work experience, and experience gained at [ABC] are criteria that will be considered in recruiting applicants.

Hape Development and Welfare Association should encourage its employees to apply for any open positions. In this case the following procedure is to be followed;
The recruitment authorization form is to be submitted to the Human Resource Department within five days of the posting of the advertisement. The form once submitted becomes a part of the recruitment file for the vacant position

All qualified employees who apply for vacant positions in a timely fashion shall be provided with an opportunity for an interview.

Applicants shall be notified of a decision after recruitment procedures have been completed.


Recruitment of persons outside of Hape Development and Welfare Association for all vacancies may begin after the recruitment authorization has been posted for five working days. All qualified internal candidates must first be interviewed and no final selection shall be made until the sixth working day after the recruitment authorization has been posted.

Vacancy announcements may be distributed outside of Hape Development and Welfare Association and advertisements placed in the area newspapers coincident with the internal posting of a vacancy announcement. All applications and resumes received will be held in Human Resource Department until the recruitment authorization has been posted for five working days, and a determination has been made that no internal applicant is fully qualified for appointment.

Selections to fill vacant positions shall be made of the best-qualified persons in terms of experience, skills, training, education and aptitude. Employment opportunities shall be made available on an equal opportunity basis to qualified persons without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual preference, national origin, political affiliation, disabilities, age, personal appearance, family responsibilities, or marital status.

Educational requirements for a particular job are important, and shall be given priority when interviewing applicants. Consideration will also be given to, but is not limited to, an applicant’s work experience, skills and demonstrated expertise in his/her field.


In the event of entertaining applications from applicants outside Hape Development and Welfare Association the following procedure will be followed;

Applications shall be made by submission of a cover letter and comprehensive resume that provides detailed information related to an applicant’s work and educational experience.

Skills tests, which are required for certain positions, shall be given to all applicants for the position. All examinations shall be uniformly administered by Human Resource Department.

An official transcript will be required in support of an application for any positions at Hape Development and Welfare Association in which a Bachelor’s or higher degree is required.

No verbal promises of future salary increases, higher-level positions or promotions shall be made by the organisations employees as an inducement to prospective employees to accept employment within the organisation. Any such promises shall not be honored unless included as part of the official letter offering employment signed by the Chief Executive Officer.

The President may reject any application, which indicates that the applicant does not possess one or more of the requirements essential for that position being advertised. Applications may also be rejected if the applicant is known to be a current user of illegal drugs; has a record of conviction of crime related to the responsibilities of the position that might directly impact on the position for which the applicant has applied; has made false statements of any material fact in his/her application or resume; or has a past employment record which is unsatisfactory as determined by the Human Resource Department.


In order to assure continued public trust in the work of Hape Development and Welfare Association all team members must operate in a manner that avoids any conflict of interest between a team member and other organisations. This policy identifies the types of outside professional relationships in which team members may engage, and provides disclosure and approval procedures to help avoid situations in which these relationships may cause conflict of interests. This disclosure and approval process does not ban, any particular relationship, but relies on the good judgment of team members and Hape Development and Welfare Association management, as well as on the cleansing effect of disclosure for discouraging improper relationships.


Executive Committee role as a decision-making body entails that its members and the community at large place a high level of trust in it. In order to preserve this trust, Executive committee must assure that its team members make technical and management decisions free from all possible conflict or even appearance of conflict arising from their personal or professional commitments. This policy governing Hape Development and Welfare Association professional activities undertaken in collaboration with other organisations will help provide guidance to its team in maintaining these standards.


This policy is intended to serve as a guideline for all the persons employed by Hape Development and Welfare Association, regardless of their position.


Disclosure is required of the administrator concerning all personal relationships and business affiliations that could give rise to a conflict of interest involving Hape Development and Welfare Association. This disclosure shall be continuously reported and kept current, as set forth below, if the staff member or a member of his or her family is:


Each officer of administration, director and department head shall complete a disclosure letter annually and return it to the general counsel.
If new affiliations occur that may result in a conflict of interest, a disclosure letter should also be forwarded for review.
All newly hired administrative officers and department heads are requested to file the disclosure letter within 30 days of their appointment.



This policy addresses general responsibilities in fundraising as well as specific responsibilities of fundraisers and donors, as related to the use of and accountability of funds. This policy is applicable, to all individuals who raise funds from private, corporate, public or other sources.
Those who are employed as fundraisers are encouraged to sign the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct and register with the nonprofit organisations.


Executive Committee shall ensure that;

Fundraisers shall always act with fairness, honesty integrity and openness.
Fundraisers comply, in all of their activities with Hape Development and Welfare Association practices, and applicable laws and regulations.
Fundraisers hold themselves accountable to those from whom funds are received. They do not use messages or illustrations that make use of human misery or in any way compromise the dignity of any human being.
Fundraisers shall not exploit their position for personal gain. They shall accept compensation by salary or set fee only.
Fundraisers shall adhere to Hape Development and Welfare Association code of conduct. Above all else, donors have the right to obtain complete and timely information on how their funds are used.
All funds raised will be used for the purpose for which they were raised, and within a reasonable timeframe.
Fundraising costs shall at all times be held to a percentage of revenue, which is generally acceptable within the fundraising profession and, by the public. There shall be a proper balance between costs, revenue and quality.
A recognised accounting method shall be used to track and control donations. Accurate and timely reports shall be available to the public, including the amounts raised, how it was spent, and the net proportion used for the purpose or cause.



The rationale for integrating a gender perspective in the activities of Hape Development and Welfare Association lies in the Hape Development and Welfare Association mandate – to prevent and alleviate human suffering without discrimination. Gender equality ensures that there is no sex-based discrimination in the allocation of resources or benefits, or in access to services.

The purpose of this policy is to define the main approach of Hape Development and Welfare Association as how to address gender issues in civil society sector.


Hape Development and Welfare Association focus is on gender, rather than specifically on women. Gender refers to the roles, responsibilities, needs, interests and capacities of both men and women. These are influenced by social and cultural factors. Therefore, the term “gender” does not replace the term “sex” which refers exclusively to biological differences. Men and women often play different roles in society and accordingly they may have different needs. A gender perspective is required to ensure that men’s and women’s specific needs, vulnerabilities and capacities (set in the broader context of class, ethnicity, race and religion) are recognized and addressed.

This policy establishes the basis for Hape Development and Welfare Association to ensure that the gender differences are taken into account and dealt with in relation to core programmes.


With regard to gender issues, the goal of Hape Development and Welfare Association is to ensure that all the organisations programmes benefit men and women equally, according to their different needs and with the input and equal participation of men and women at all levels within non-profit organisation.

Hape Development and Welfare Association is committed to taking the necessary steps towards achieving this goal, in particular recognizing that:
social and political instability may affect men and women differently and that Hape Development and Welfare Association assistance may also have a different impact on men and women;
the integration of a gender perspective into Hape Development and Welfare Association is an important strategy towards the fulfilment of the its mandate to improve the lives of the marginalised;
Hape Development and Welfare Association operates in a wide variety of cultures; as such it needs to take a culturally sensitive approach with regards to mainstreaming a gender perspective in the organisations work;
the full participation of both men and women in all Hape Development and Welfare Association activities not only ensures gender equality, but also increases the efficiency and effectiveness of the work of the organisation;
although the primary task of Hape Development and Welfare Association is to ensure gender sensitivity in their existing programmes, they may also implement projects to assist special groups of men or women, if local situations so require.

To achieve this goal, Hape Development and Welfare Association shall:
put in place institutional procedures, which ensure that the needs of boys, girls, men and women are all met equitably in disaster response, vulnerability reduction and the provision of health and other services;
formulate measures to ensure that gender-specific vulnerabilities and capacities of men and women are systematically identified and addressed;
ensure that data on beneficiaries is disaggregated by sex for needs assessment and programme planning and gender analysis is integrated into programme design, delivery, monitoring and evaluation;
design strategies for capacity building in gender mainstreaming as part of institutional development programmes with special attention to staff training on gender analysis skills;
ensure that reporting and accountability mechanisms for activities and results in gender mainstreaming are put in place. This includes performance evaluations, budget allocation analysis and actions to enable the full participation of men and women on an equal and meaningful basis in Hape Development and Welfare Association activities at all levels.


The senior management of Hape Development and Welfare Association is responsible for:

increasing awareness and skills of staff and volunteers in considering the social differences between vulnerable men and women when designing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating programmes;
conducting a systematic review of the institution’s procedures to put in place gender analysis as part of programming or improving the existing systems;
enabling a gender balance in the different levels of the structure within their organisation, in particular to involve more women in the decision-making processes at all levels;
ensuring equal opportunities among female and male staff members and volunteers in the areas of recruitment, promotion, benefits, training and working conditions.

The governance of Hape Development and Welfare Association is responsible for:
assessing the implications of their policies and decisions for men and women, and thus ensuring that all Hape Development and Welfare Association policies and programmes are gender sensitive.



Hape Development and Welfare Association is committed to maintaining and enhancing fair, equitable and safe work practices.


Hape Development and Welfare Association states that all members of staff are expected to perform their duties with efficiency, fairness, impartiality, integrity, honesty and compassion.

The distinctive feature of the Grievance Procedure for Staff aims to ensure that work-related grievances are addressed in a timely and confidential manner at the lowest appropriate management level, in order to prevent minor problems or grievances from escalating.


There is always the potential for conflict to arise in a workplace. Conflict can be negative if it creates an environment of tension, and can harm morale and productivity if it is not properly managed.

A work related grievance might flow from any aspect of a staff member’s work experience at Hape Development and Welfare Association that they believe to be unfair, unjust or unreasonable.

There are two fundamental types of work-related grievance. These are:

behaviour which does not contravene any laws, legislation or common law such as interpersonal conflict, inappropriate behaviour, or inconsistent application of policy/procedures.

potentially unlawful behaviour, which includes discrimination or harassment on grounds prohibited by anti-discrimination legislation, corruption, misadministration or serious waste.

The grievance procedure may be initiated for all work-related grievances. The Procedure for Handling Grievances below provides further information.


An employee filing a grievance shall have at every step the right to present witnesses and evidence to support his/her grievance. Employees are not to be penalized in any way for proper use of the Grievance Procedure. Time spent in grievance discussions with the administration would be considered time worked with pay.

Step 1
Any employee who wishes to file a grievance shall first discuss his/her grievance with his/her immediate supervisor. After the aforementioned discussion with the employee, the supervisor shall have five (5) working days in which to reply to the employees grievance. If the supervisor fails to reply to the grievance or if his/her answer is not satisfactory to the employee, the employee may present his/her grievance at Step 2.

Step 2
If the disposition of the grievance in Step 1 is not acceptable, the employee shall, within five (5) working days, prepare a written statement stating the basis for the grievance and a requested settlement. He/she shall then discuss his/her problem with the Section Head or Finance & Administration Head (in cases where the section head is the direct supervisor), who shall have five working days in which to present a written reply to the employees complaint. If a mutually acceptable settlement cannot be reached, the employee will have five working days in which to present his/her grievance in Step 3. The grievant should process his/her grievance to Step 3 through the office of Head of Hape Development and Welfare Association.

Step 3
If the disposition of the grievance in Step 2 is not acceptable and the employee wishes to have the grievance considered further, he/she shall notify a representative appointed by the Head of Hape Development and Welfare Association. The incumbent representative will investigate the allegations and make arrangements to hear the employees complaint and the departmental charges if any. He/she shall provide a written response to the employee within five working days of the receipt of the grievance. If the response is not acceptable to the employee the grievance may be processed to Step 4 through the head of Hape Development and Welfare Association.

Step 4
If the disposition of the grievance in Step 3 is not acceptable to the employee and he/she wishes to have the grievance given further consideration, he/she shall notify the Head of Hape Development and Welfare Association in writing to that effect. It is up to the discretion of the Head of Hape Development and Welfare Association to either investigate the allegation on his/her own or constitute a panel to hear out the grievant. Grievance processed to Step 4 shall be reviewed and a response shall be provided to the grievant within thirty days.


In exceptional cases where the Head of Section or Senior Level Officials reporting directly to the Organisational Head, wishes to file a grievance shall first discuss his/her grievance with Hape Development and Welfare Association Head. If the Organisational Head fails to reply to the grievance or if his/her answer is not satisfactory to the employee, the officer may present his/her grievance to the Board member nominated by the Chairperson of the Board. Grievances processed under such circumstances shall be reviewed and a response shall be provided within thirty (30) days.


This policy establishes guidelines for performance evaluations of professional staff. The purposes for carrying out performance evaluation include;

to provide a fair assessment of the employee’s performance,
to assist the employee to improve performance,
to provide a basis for an appropriate level of compensation, and
to support and provide documentation for personnel actions under approved policies.


Performance evaluations are scheduled to ensure that every regular employee is evaluated annually prior to reappointment for the succeeding year.


The completed Annual Performance Evaluation form for each employee is part of that employee’s official personnel file in each department. Each supervisor is to conduct performance evaluations. The final step in the evaluation process involves review by the department head, or designated management official. As an official part of each departmental personnel file, the Performance Evaluation form shall be treated as confidential.


The purpose of performance evaluations are;

to provide a fair assessment of the employee’s performance,
to assist the employee to improve performance,
to provide a basis for an appropriate level of compensation, and
to support and provide documentation for personnel actions under approved policies.

Performance evaluations should be scheduled to ensure that every regular.employee is evaluated annually prior to reappointment for the succeeding year. The completed performance evaluation form is a part of the employee’s official personnel file, and as such, shall be treated as confidential.


The performance evaluation form should provide space on the front for:
The date the annual performance period ends.
The name, title and department of the employee being evaluated.
A list of “Key Responsibilities” or major elements of the job. The evaluator may describe each key responsibility by using a word or a brief phrase or sentence to say what, how, and when each task is performed.
An evaluation which places emphasis on how well each key responsibility has been performed. The evaluator should describe performance levels which meet, exceed, or fail to meet expected levels.
The back of the performance evaluation form should provide space for:
An overall summary of the performance evaluation, taking into consideration the level of performance on each key responsibility. The overall summary, again using the “Guide for Evaluation,” may be very brief or may be more descriptive if needed. Specific targets for improvement should be noted.
The actual date of the evaluation, name and title of the evaluator/supervisor who has direct knowledge and supervisory responsibility for the employee. Spaces are also provided for the supervisor to date and initial the form to record when the performance evaluation was discussed with the employee. It is not necessary for the employee to sign or initial the form.
Management Review- this space is provided for the department head to record comments, including any disagreements with the evaluator’s rating or comments. This space is to be completed with signature and date.


Hape Development and Welfare Association Policy on Harassment recognises that harassment is unacceptable behaviour. The policy seeks to enhance access, participation and positive outcomes for its members consistent with equal opportunity and affirmative action principles. The policy accepts its legal obligations to ensure that staff is not subjected to harassment, which may include vicarious liability for harassment of others by its employees.


Harassment is verbal or physical conduct, which because of its severity and/or persistence, is likely to create a hostile or intimidating environment and detrimentally affect an individual’s employment. Harassment is defined by reference to the nature and consequences of the behaviour, not the intent of the initiator.

Harassing conduct specifically includes the following;

Communication of spoken, written, graphic and computer mediated material that denigrates or shows hostility or aversion to individuals or groups on the grounds of actual or perceived race, nationality, gender, transgender status, marital status, disability, homosexuality, age, family responsibilities, carers’ responsibilities, political conviction or religious belief;
threatening, intimidating or demeaning behaviour directed at individuals or groups outlined above;
acts of vilification, i.e. public acts which may have the effect of inciting others to hate, have serious contempt for, or seriously ridicule a person or group of people, on the grounds of actual or perceived race, AIDS or HIV-positive status, homosexuality, or transgender status;
sexual harassment, which is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual contact and verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature, when submission to or rejection of such advances, requests or conduct is explicitly or implicitly a term or condition affecting employment decisions; and/or when such advances, requests or conduct have a detrimental effect on an individual’s work environment.

Hape Development and Welfare Association has already established Grievance Procedure for dealing with complaints of harassment from staff. Where it is determined that harassment has occurred, Hape Development and Welfare Association will act promptly to eliminate the harassing conduct, and will deal with the matter in accordance with Grievance Procedure for Staff as follows.


An employee filing harassment shall have at every step the right to present witnesses and evidence to support his/her harassment. Employees are not to be penalized in any way for proper use of the Harassment Procedure. Time spent in harassment discussions with the administration would be considered time worked with pay.

Step 1
Any employee who wishes to file harassment shall first discuss this with his/her immediate supervisor. After the aforementioned discussion with the employee, the supervisor shall have five (5) working days in which to reply to the employees grievance. If the supervisor fails to reply to the harassment or if his/her answer is not satisfactory to the employee, the employee may present his/her harassment at Step 2.

Step 2
If the disposition of the harassment in Step 1 is not acceptable, the employee shall, within five (5) working days, prepare a written statement stating the basis for the harassment and a requested settlement. He/she shall then discuss his/her problem with the Section Head or Finance & Administration Head (in cases where the section head is the direct supervisor), who shall have five working days in which to present a written reply to the employees complaint. If a mutually acceptable settlement cannot be reached, the employee will have five working days in which to present his/her harassment in Step 3. The grievant should process his/her harassment to Step 3 through the office of Head of Hape Development and Welfare Association.

Step 3
If the disposition of the harassment in Step 2 is not acceptable and the employee wishes to have it considered further, he/she shall notify a representative appointed by the Head of Hape Development and Welfare Association The incumbent representative will investigate the allegations and make arrangements to hear the employees complaint and the departmental charges if any. He/she shall provide a written response to the employee within five working days of the receipt of the harassment. If the response is not acceptable to the employee the harassment may be processed to Step 4 through the head of Hape Development and Welfare Association.

Step 4
If the disposition of the harassment in Step 3 is not acceptable to the employee and he/she wishes to have the harassment given further consideration, he/she shall notify the Head of Hape Development and Welfare Association in writing to that effect. It is up to the discretion of the Head of Hape Development and Welfare Association to either investigate the allegation on his/her own or constitute a panel to hear out the grievant. Harassment processed to Step 4 shall be reviewed and a response shall be provided to the grievant within thirty days.


In exceptional cases where the Head of Section or Senior Level Officials reporting directly to the Head of Hape Development and Welfare Association, wishes to file a harassment shall first discuss his/her harassment with the Organisational Head. If Hape Development and Welfare Association Head fails to reply to the harassment or if his/her answer is not satisfactory to the employee, the officer may present his/her harassment to the Board member nominated by the Chairperson of the Board. Harassments processed under such circumstances shall be reviewed and a response shall be provided within thirty (30) days.


Procurement policy deals with the procedures for procurement of office essentials and equipment. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that financial honesty is assured by prescribing a range of appropriate methods for purchasing and procurement, including, where appropriate, a competitive tendering and contracting process. Two main principles that apply are:

the requirement for impartiality and fairness across all stages of the tendering and purchasing process, and;
the necessity for obtaining the best possible value for money.


Goods or services may be acquired through one of the following options:

Direct Purchase from a company/supplier. This includes cash transactions, credit card purchases, quick orders and cheque payments.
Written quotation.
Call for Expressions of Interest

Direct Purchase

Purchases less than Rs. 10,000 may be purchased to best advantage without quotations subject to the following conditions:

rates should be reasonable and consistent with normal market rates for items of a like nature
requirements should not be split into components or succession of orders for the same goods or service for the purpose of enabling the goods or service to be obtained under the Rs. 10,000 limit
procurement should be approved by Manager Finance

Written quotation

For purchases greater than Rs. 10,000 but less than Rs. 50,000 at least one written quotation should be obtained subject to the following conditions:
Rates should be reasonable and consistent with normal market rates for items of similar nature.
Requirements should not be split into components or succession of orders for the same goods or services for the purpose of enabling the goods/service to be obtained under the Rs. 50,000 limit.
For purchases greater than Rs. 50,000 but less than Rs. 100,000, a minimum of three written quotes must be obtained and must be based on a written outline of specifications which has been provided to the suppliers. The head of Finance should approve purchase of this size.
For purchases that are considered high risk and over Rs. 100,000, consideration should be given to undertaking a Competitive Tendering and Contracting (CTC) process. This should include documentation of a written brief or outline of specifications for the purchase. The Chairman of the Board should approve such purchases.

Call for Expressions of Interest

Expressions of Interest/ Request for Proposals (Competitive Tendering and Contracting) Procedures. Expressions of Interest (EOI) and Requests for Proposals (RFP) consist of procedures that are intermediate between obtaining written quotations and seeking tenders. It is generally used to cull an initial field of probable competitors who can provide innovative solutions to leading edge, or emerging issues within a given industry (e.g. a creative, or technological solution). Generally such purchases fall in the Rs. 50,000 and above categories.

In the case of requests for Proposals or Expressions of Interest, a detailed overview of the product or service concept that is required is prepared and forwarded, usually with a covering letter, to a number of identified suppliers who are invited to submit written proposals.

Similarly, requests For Proposals/Expressions Of Interest can be announced in a variety of advertising mediums to achieve greatest exposure to potential contractors and tenderers.

Under this arrangement, Hape Development and Welfare Association is subsequently able to negotiate variations to the specification with a preferred supplier.


As a consequence of adhering to this policy, Hape Development and Welfare Association will:

Obtain the best value for its purchases, in both cost and quality terms.
Have a fast and efficient purchasing process; demonstrate financial probity and accountability to its clients, stakeholders and the public interest.
Successfully manage and prevent the potential for conflicts of interest.
Monitor and evaluate performance in purchasing and procurement. Be protected from complaints and legal actions mounted by potential suppliers who believe they have not received fair treatment.

No matter how transparent or fool proof an arrangement may be its success lies in the behaviour of the officer(s) in-charge and his or her intention in following the laid down procedures and regulations. The set of rules laid below can serve as a guideline for any purchasing officer.
The best value for the organisations goods and services must be sought.
There will be a documented process for all purchases, which allows for transparency of decisions and review of purchases.
The conduct of procurement is subject to continuous auditing by the organisation and by external bodies such as the Board, Audit Officer and Stakeholders.
Staff will ensure that they are not, or are not perceived to be in a conflict of interest with any supplier.
Those staff who have, or may be perceived to have, a vested interest in the outcome of a purchase should disclose any conflict to their supervisor and discuss whether they should exclude themselves from any role in the purchase.
Staff will be suitably skilled and qualified to attend to the completion of their purchasing and contracting role(s).



Hape Development and Welfare Association commitment to work to improve the situation of the most vulnerable people offers solid basis for its involvement in social welfare issues. Social welfare is a state of human well being that exists when social problems are managed, when human needs are met and when social opportunities are maximised.

Hape Development and Welfare Association involvement in social welfare varies from one place to another and from one period to another, depending on needs, circumstances and capacities. In essence social welfare must be seen and treated as a continuous and dynamic process, subject to variation in time and place. It should be accordingly continuously adapted to the changes in the socio-political, cultural and economic characteristics of a particular society at any given time. Addressing this challenge is one of the aims of Hape Development and Welfare Association. Social life and problems in social relationships are not static; they are ever changing. As such the knowledge and the practice of social work, for what it contributes to the promotion of social welfare should also be a continuously evolving core of ideas, which are translated into practice by flexible, competent and reflective professionals.


The Social Welfare policy establishes the basis of Hape Development and Welfare Association implementation of long-term developmental social programmes as well as with respect to advocacy issues in the social development and social action field.
It applies to any type of social welfare activity carried out by Hape Development and Welfare Association, staff or volunteers.


Hape Development and Welfare Association shall:
Recognise that the general objective of social welfare is to manage social problems, meet the human needs and maximise social opportunities in order to improve the physical, psychological and social well-being of the individual, her/his family and community;
Safeguard the individual rights of every person in view of the principle that every human being has the right to live and enjoy the basic necessities of life;
Be proactive, by engaging in planning and preparedness activities to prevent or mitigate the effects of problems encountered by vulnerable populations served by Hape Development and Welfare Association. This means working with the most vulnerable addressing the social situation working on development through advocacy and/or direct action and taking preventive measures against various forms of social exclusion and vulnerability;
Develop, at different levels, the appropriate specific social policies and strategies to monitor the economic, socio-cultural, political and technological interests of the population, paying special attention to the needs and rights of minorities. Indicators and quality standards need to be developed in order to measure and evaluate the impact of programmes;
Reaffirms that social services and social welfare activities are a very important part of the non profit organisation and need to be created, reinforced, developed and adjusted to changes in the society;
Define their own priorities in terms of target groups;
Ensure the social perspective in every area of intervention of Hape Development and Welfare Association.
Recognise the role of Hape Development and Welfare Association in providing social services.
Promote the self-reliance of ‘beneficiaries’ by working with the most vulnerable people in the society. The involvement of the beneficiaries, with the aim of empowering them and increasing their coping mechanisms, includes their participation, to the extent possible, in the identification of needs and in planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating the relevant social welfare programmes;
Ensure that the social welfare programmes promote the participation of volunteers of all ages and both genders;
Ensure the necessary recognition of the role and value of volunteers in social programmes. Volunteers must have an opportunity for guidance by experienced professionals;
Ensure that all social welfare interventions are determined by the needs of beneficiaries and that programmes thus developed are solely needs driven and not determined by any other factor or consideration.


Executive Committee should:
Integrate a social welfare perspective in the overall programme and its various components;
Strive to ensure quality and accountability in the organisations services;
Ensure that the relevant employed staff and volunteers are given appropriate training so that they are able to identify social needs and initiate the necessary response;
Promote a community based approach and ensure community involvement in decision-making, needs assessment, programme identification, implementation, monitoring and evaluation;
Promote co-ordination and collaboration between organisations and agencies working in the social field.
Develop a strategy and the necessary guidelines in support and for the implementation of this policy.
Develop a clear strategy for exchange of information and foster greater co-operation and sharing of experience amongst other nonprofit organisation e.g. exchange of materials and training programmes.
Foster opportunities for improving training of skilled and competent human resources;
Promote a community based approach in decision-making, needs assessment, programme identification, implementation, monitoring and evaluation;
Define strategies for advocacy and/or direct service delivery;
Promote the use of research in social trends and social services;
Carry on a review of implementation of this Policy within four years of its adoption.

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