Just Not a Hand Pump... it is Basic Rights

In various hand pumps were installed in Taluka Matli and Talhar– Sindh. In this region there was a serious issue regarding the availability of drinking water. The habitats in these regions had several diseases caused by the pollution of ponds and streams. This meant that the water that was available to drink was also polluted. The population of this area were also struggling with financial burdens of purchasing water, as well as the physical burden of fetching drinking water from distant areas. 
Now, 1116 families will benefit from the 20 hand pumps installed, providing fresh, clean drinking water. At five locations there was a need to stretch canal pipes from nearby areas because of the lack of underground drinking water availability.

WASH in Schools During COVID19

Hape Development and welfare Association has several years of experience working alongside governments and schools institutions to help them take the lead on improving WASH in schools. We aim to achieve sustainable and inclusive school WASH through joined-up programming, which combines practical interventions on the ground with capacity building Teachers, students and school management committees. We also seek to continually learn from and share experiences with others within the sector. Finally, we advocate for WASH in schools.

During the COVID19 Hape Development and welfare Association arranged online and physical training serious with Hape’s and Government teachers at Province  level. During the training discuss issues of safe Reopening of schools and Hand washing.

The events were organized to improve Hand Hygiene compliance among teachers, Students and Non teaching staff and also focused on involving parents and families in Hand Hygiene practices to prevent from Corona-virus.

Hands Washing Services

The most crucial component to encouraging hand washing is to make sure the hand-washing facilities are conveniently located, clean and properly working. Hand drying should also be taken into consideration. Carefully respect the habits of users when installing hand-washing facilities. The location (i.e. spot, height, etc.) The best Practice model of WASH Program is based on community need


The Objectives of Service are to:

  • To promote hand washing habits in community especially children.
  • To promote prevention of diseases Caused by contaminated hands.
  • To improve health and hygiene in the Students

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