Together, we can

Build a world where all Communities are safe

Governance Body

Hape Governance General Body Governing process is the norms of the development institutions; likewise in Hape general body is the core forum comprising of intellectuals in their respective fields, ie. civil society organizations, education, agriculture, health, water, economic, social and political development. The General body meets twice in a year for the review of the program, strategic direction, suggestion and approval of audits and annual progress, and elects the office bearers and executive body amongst them, after every three years. Hape Development and welfare Association Executive committee elected for Three year’s from January 01, 2020 to December 2022. The General Body meeting held on January 1, 2020 in which General body has elected the Executive committee for the period of three years.

Young people from different backgrounds have a huge impact on us and all our activities. They highlight those parts of the society that are broken, so we can help them in all possible ways to regain hope and flourish in life.

How Implement Transparency

Vision, Mission and Objectives

Vision, Mission and Objectives of organisation are clearly defined, written, and  revised time to time. 

The Executive committee and the management are involved in drafting or re-drafting these, in a participatory manner.

Democratic Process

Executive committee were elected by a democratic process. Further, Election of the president/ treasurer and others office bearers is well-defined in the policies of the organization. This is ensure transparency, fairness and accountability in the process.

Policies and processes for accountability of leadership

Functional systems are in place in Hape, for grievances redressal, attending to any issues, and to ensure that actions are taken thereafter, are periodically analysed, and informed to all.

Decision making systems

These roles and responsibilities of the Executive committee and the management are well defined and clearly drafted.

Our numbers that speak

We have numbers that push us to give in our best and make sure that we break our own records. We are happy to be growing and helping more day by day.
Volunteers all over Country
0 +
Household Helped
0 +
Funds Raised
RS 0 million+
0 +